Chapter 19

If there were any shifting, rock-colored Nomes on the mountain sidenow, they were silent and respectful, for our adventurers were notannoyed, as before, by their impudent laughter. Really the Nomes hadnothing to laugh at, since the defeat of their King.

On the other side they found Ozma's golden chariot, standing as theyhad left it. Soon the Lion and the Tiger were harnessed to thebeautiful chariot, in which was enough room for Ozma and the Queen andsix of the royal children.

Little Evring preferred to ride with Dorothy upon the Sawhorse, whichhad a long back. The Prince had recovered from his shyness and hadbecome very fond of the girl who had rescued him, so they were fastfriends and chatted pleasantly together as they rode along. Billinawas also perched upon the head of the wooden steed, which seemed notto mind the added weight in the least, and the boy was full of wonderthat a hen could talk, and say such sensible things.

When they came to the gulf, Ozma's magic carpet carried them all overin safety; and now they began to pass the trees, in which birds weresinging; and the breeze that was wafted to them from the farms of Evwas spicy with flowers and new-mown hay; and the sunshine fell fullupon them, to warm them and drive away from their bodies the chill anddampness of the underground kingdom of the Nomes.

"I would be quite content," said the Scarecrow to Tiktok, "were onlythe Tin Woodman with us. But it breaks my heart to leave him behind."

"He was a fine fel-low," replied Tiktok, "al-though his ma-ter-i-alwas not ve-ry du-ra-ble."

"Oh, tin is an excellent material," the Scarecrow hastened to say;"and if anything ever happened to poor Nick Chopper he was alwayseasily soldered. Besides, he did not have to be wound up, and was notliable to get out of order."

"I some-times wish," said Tiktok, "that I was stuffed with straw, asyou are. It is hard to be made of cop-per."

"I have no reason to complain of my lot," replied the Scarecrow. "Alittle fresh straw, now and then, makes me as good as new. But I cannever be the polished gentleman that my poor departed friend, the TinWoodman, was."

You may be sure the royal children of Ev and their Queen mother weredelighted at seeing again their beloved country; and when the towersof the palace of Ev came into view they could not forbear cheering atthe sight. Little Evring, riding in front of Dorothy, was sooverjoyed that he took a curious tin whistle from his pocket and blewa shrill blast that made the Sawhorse leap and prance in sudden alarm.

"What is that?" asked Billina, who had been obliged to flutter herwings in order to keep her seat upon the head of the frightened Sawhorse.

"That's my whistle," said Prince Evring, holding it out upon his hand.

It was in the shape of a little fat pig, made of tin and paintedgreen. The whistle was in the tail of the pig.

"Where did you get it?" asked the yellow hen, closely examining thetoy with her bright eyes.

"Why, I picked it up in the Nome King's palace, while Dorothy was makingher guesses, and I put it in my pocket," answered the little Prince.

Billina laughed; or at least she made the peculiar cackle that servedher for a laugh.

"No wonder I couldn't find the Tin Woodman," she said; "and no wonder themagic belt didn't make him appear, or the King couldn't find him, either!"

"What do you mean?" questioned Dorothy.

"Why, the Prince had him in his pocket," cried Billina, cackling again.

"I did not!" protested little Evring. "I only took the whistle."

"Well, then, watch me," returned the hen, and reaching out a claw shetouched the whistle and said "Ev."


"Good afternoon," said the Tin Woodman, taking off his funnel cap andbowing to Dorothy and the Prince. "I think I must have been asleepfor the first time since I was made of tin, for I do not remember ourleaving the Nome King."

"You have been enchanted," answered the girl, throwing an armaround her old friend and hugging him tight in her joy."But it's all right, now."

"I want my whistle!" said the little Prince, beginning to cry.

"Hush!" cautioned Billina. "The whistle is lost, but you may haveanother when you get home."

The Scarecrow had fairly thrown himself upon the bosom of his oldcomrade, so surprised and delighted was he to see him again, andTiktok squeezed the Tin Woodman's hand so earnestly that he dentedsome of his fingers. Then they had to make way for Ozma to welcomethe tin man, and the army caught sight of him and set up a cheer, andeverybody was delighted and happy.

For the Tin Woodman was a great favorite with all who knew him, andhis sudden recovery after they had thought he was lost to them foreverwas indeed a pleasant surprise.

Before long the cavalcade arrived at the royal palace, where a greatcrowd of people had gathered to welcome their Queen and her tenchildren. There was much shouting and cheering, and the people threwflowers in their path, and every face wore a happy smile.

They found the Princess Langwidere in her mirrored chamber, where shewas admiring one of her handsomest heads--one with rich chestnut hair,dreamy walnut eyes and a shapely hickorynut nose. She was very gladto be relieved of her duties to the people of Ev, and the Queengraciously permitted her to retain her rooms and her cabinet of headsas long as she lived.

Then the Queen took her eldest son out upon a balcony that overlookedthe crowd of subjects gathered below, and said to them:

"Here is your future ruler, King Evardo Fifteenth. He is fifteenyears of age, has fifteen silver buckles on his jacket and is thefifteenth Evardo to rule the land of Ev."

The people shouted their approval fifteen times, and even the Wheelers,some of whom were present, loudly promised to obey the new King.

So the Queen placed a big crown of gold, set with rubies, uponEvardo's head, and threw an ermine robe over his shoulders, andproclaimed him King; and he bowed gratefully to all his subjects andthen went away to see if he could find any cake in the royal pantry.

Ozma of Oz and her people, as well as Dorothy, Tiktok and Billina,were splendidly entertained by the Queen mother, who owed all herhappiness to their kind offices; and that evening the yellow hen waspublicly presented with a beautiful necklace of pearls and sapphires,as a token of esteem from the new King.